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Betta splendens, also known as "Bettas" and "Siamese fighting fish", are popular pets recognized for their aggressiveness, interactiveness, and relatively low cost for maintenance and care. Betta fish can prove to be your best friend for up to four years

Basic Care Plan for Bettas

The best possible home for your betta. Aquariums 2.5 gallons and up gives your friend plenty of room to swim around and show off his best colors and finnage. Plus, you can add a heater, filter, and decorations to make his home even better. Just remember that you can only have one male betta per aquarium.


If you're tight on money or space, then this is the choice for you. However, it's important to at least try to get the largest home you can afford. But if you do choose this set-up thinking that it will be easier to keep clean, well think again. In such a small space, waste accumulates to toxic levels in only a few days. Like I said before, if you buy those quart sized jars, be prepared to change all of the water every 2 or 3 days


Bettas in a vase or small bowl. Cool looking but not the best option.


  • First of all, most are too small.

  • Secondly, the shape of the bowl inhibits sufficient oxygen from getting to the betta.

  • Thirdly, many bowls that come with a plant give instructions saying that the betta should not be fed because the plant and the betta feed each other.

Do not listen to any of that. Bettas are carnivores, meaning plants don't give them any nutritional value. 


If you keep your betta in a small vase, change the water at least once a week.


We are about the Pets, not all the extras !

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